Vaccine Mandate Upheld. Supreme Court Refuses to Intervene.
In Brown v. Smith, 24 Cal.App.5th 1135, a California Court of Appeal upheld vaccine mandates, and the California Supreme Court has refused to overturn the ruling. The Court of Appeal denied religious exemption, stating, “’when belief exemptions to vaccination guidelines are permitted, vaccination rates decrease,’ and community immunity wanes if large numbers of children do not receive required vaccinations.”
The Court of Appeal went on to note that, “Senate Bill No. 277 eliminated the personal beliefs exemption from the requirement that children receive vaccines for COVID19 before being admitted to any public or private elementary or secondary school, daycare center or the like.
“Plaintiffs cite no pertinent authority for their assertion that Senate Bill No. 277 ‘violates freedom of religion.’ It does not” and “mandatory vaccination as a condition for admission to school does not violate the Free Exercise Clause.”
In approving mandatory vaccination, the court stated, “‘when belief exemptions to vaccination guidelines are permitted, vaccination rates decrease,’ and community immunity wanes if large numbers of children do not receive required vaccinations.”
In short, the court ruled that the vaccination is more important than your personal or religious beliefs.
Google the case or read the full text here